Urgent Message From Rafael LaVerde!! LIVE on The Stew Peters Show [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | July 25, 2023

Did you remember to wish the banksters a BIG congratulations?They just launched the long-awaited FedNow instant payment settlement system!For once, the Fed actually lived up to its word and achieved a goal. It seems that the technological infrastructure for a CBDC and UBI is an urgent need. All sarcasm aside, this is a massive warning…

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Hyperbitcoinization Has Arrived! Rafael LaVerde LIVE on Todo Bitcoin [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | July 21, 2023

The beautiful thing about crypto is that the underlying technology is worldwide. Blockchain is an unstoppable force that has impacted the lives of all people, regardless of any imaginary borders. In an effort to share the importance of privacy and the groundbreaking innovation taking place on the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain, I joined Todo Bitcoin for…

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This is Bitcoin’s Endgame – Are You Ready? [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | July 18, 2023

How do you see technology shaping humanity’s future? If you’re like me, you view the future with a proactive mindset and likely agree that the best is ahead. However, it is becoming clear why some people I speak with just aren’t getting it.When a new technology or idea is proposed, people sometimes react based on…

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“Privacy is Shelter” – Rafael LaVerde LIVE at Monerotopia 2023 [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | July 15, 2023

Are the regulators done attacking crypto? With the recent news of the questionable SEC Lawsuit against Ripple (XRP), a wave of optimism has come back into crypto. But, in the natural world, this could be seen as a tree falling in the forest. In the grand scheme of things, the regulators are far from done.…

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Time is Running Out!!! Hyperbitcoinization is Here!!! [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | June 30, 2023

Have you seen my recent walk and talk? In case you missed it, I had covered the mindset and traits that will help you to thrive in the new world of Hyperbitcoinization. What does that mean? When enough of the world succeeds in utilizing the computational power of Bitcoin, the adoption and value could skyrocket…

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Bitmap and the Emerging Bitcoin Metaverse [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | June 27, 2023

Have you heard about the latest innovation in Bitcoin (BTC)? Bitcoiners have begun to stake their claim in the Bitcoin blockchain, establishing ownership and carving out their place in the emerging Bitmap. “Bitmap is an open-source standard that enables individuals to establish ownership of a Bitcoin Block by inscribing it onto a Satoshi using Ordinals…

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Pioneering the World's First Privacy Blockchain Protocol, With Zoidberg [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | June 9, 2023

While crypto may not be the most trending news story of today, it certainly could be tomorrow. The innovation within blockchain is a creature that never sleeps and has no days off. It is astounding to see how far this technology has blossomed from a single idea. The manpower and ethics needed to carve out…

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Unveiling The Truth About AI: An Eye-Opening Interview, With L-Dixon [VIDEO]

By The Crypto Vigilante | June 2, 2023

Do you have mixed feelings about artificial intelligence? With ChatGPT setting the record for the fastest-growing app in the history of web applications, this technology has been the leading topic of 2023 for good reason. Most of humanity had not foreseen how much the internet would revolutionize the world. Many had resisted it and lagged…

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Dero: Unmasking the Future of Privacy in Crypto, With Mr. A and Kalina Lux [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | May 26, 2023

In a world where privacy is increasingly eroded and individual freedoms are under constant threat, Dero (DERO) emerges as a beacon of hope, embodying the spirit of liberty, freedom, and privacy. Recently, I had the privilege of joining TCV Analyst Mr. A and Dero pioneer Kalina Lux on The Portal, where we delved into the…

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You Won't Believe What This Man is 3D-Printing: The Shocking Future of Firearms! [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | May 2, 2023

As I stood there, on the bustling floor of the Guns N' Bitcoin conference, I felt a wave of excitement, anticipation, and dare I say it… a little bit of rebellion. I had the distinct honor of sitting down with Jeff Rodriguez, a man who's been at the forefront of the 3D-printed gun movement for…

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Developing Defense Distributed – Pioneers in the Home Gunsmithing Revolution [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 28, 2023

What do you get when you combine 3D-printed guns, Bitcoin, and a relentless pursuit of freedom? You get an unforgettable experience at the Guns N' Bitcoin conference. I had the pleasure of interviewing Garret, a software engineer for Defense Distributed, the company at the forefront of the home gunsmithing revolution. And let me tell you,…

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The Free Market Gold Standard – Game Changing DEFI Bringing Precious Metals and Crypto Together [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 25, 2023

Over at The Dollar Vigilante, we have some members of the community that are “gold bugs” and that have been slow to adopt crypto, or outright resistant to it as a concept.  One of the first arguments this type of person makes when discussing crypto is that “it’s not backed by anything”.   Well, today, I…

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The Power of Privacy, Trust, and Networks in Crypto: My Eye-Opening Chat on the BullishAF Podcast [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 21, 2023

Networks are becoming more important than ever and I've got a fascinating conversation to share with you from some true crypto champions in my network, the hosts of the BullishAF Podcast. It was an electrifying discussion about the future of crypto, privacy, and the value of trust and networks. Here are some of the key…

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Mr. A's Crypto Revelations: Shocking Logarithmic Channels and the Future of Privacy Coins! [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 18, 2023

What up, Vigilantes?  We’ve got a special treat for you today.  I had the honor of speaking with Mr. A, a Crypto Vigilante Market Technician who has been charting Bitcoin since 2010!  If you’re a Crypto Vigilante subscriber, you already know how much of a wizard this guy is.  If you aren’t, by the end…

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Crypto Brave Space: Exploring Ideas the Lizards Don't Want You To Hear [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 14, 2023

What up, Vigilantes?  At the Young Americans for Liberty conference, I had a thrilling debate with the brilliant Kareem Maize. Our chat covered a wide range of cryptocurrency subjects, including sound money and NFTs, as well as altcoins and Ethereum 2.0. So buckle up and prepare to be immersed in the fascinating worlds of decentralization,…

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Making Crypto Scary Again: Exploring Monero's Darknet Dominance [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 11, 2023

What up, Vigilantes? I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Rolf van Wegberg at Monerotopia for an intense, eye-opening discussion about cryptocurrency, crime, and the difficult world of regulation. Let me tell you, it was nothing short of a wild ride into the “scary” side of crypto. As an academic researcher, Rolf has…

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Scoping Out 3D-Printed Space Gats with Invader Zip [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 7, 2023

What up, Vigilantes?  I’ve gotta tell you what a great experience it was to interview the creative 3D gun creator, Invader Zip, at the Guns N' Bitcoin Conference! This devoted inventor displayed his amazing, cutting-edge works of self-defense art that he affectionately refers to as “the Ark.” You can 3D-Print and manufacture these incredibly customizable…

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Connecting Human Nodes: How Networking and Nature Can Unleash Crypto Growth [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | April 4, 2023

What up, Vigilantes? I recently had an amazing conversation with Matt Welsh and L-Dixon while we were on a plane to Costa Rica.  You may remember Matt from our previous interview.  If you don’t, he’s a musician by the name of BLUVNBU who is also a passionate crypto advocate.   L-Dixon is also a musician…

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Tumin: The Grassroots Currency Revolution Transforming Lives in Mexico [VIDEO]

By Rafael LaVerde | March 31, 2023

What up, Vigilantes? I recently had the opportunity to speak with Juan Castro Soto, a pioneer in the world of alternative currencies and an active member of the Tumin community. In an era when the vast majority of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, Tumin represents a ray of hope for a…

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Monero's Race Against a Quantum Apocalypse [Video]

By Rafael LaVerde | March 28, 2023

What up, Vigilantes? I had a really interesting conversation with Adam Corbo at Monerotopia about quantum computing and its potential impact on Monero. Although quantum computing is potentially an exciting and revolutionary field, it also poses challenges for the future of privacy and cryptocurrency. Everyone's attention is focused on whether Monero is quantum-resistant. As of…

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Igniting the Crypto Spark at the Young Americans for Liberty Conference [Video]

By Rafael LaVerde | March 23, 2023

What up Vigilantes? You know I’m all about education and helping to onboard people into the crypto mindset… I recently spoke with Bex at the Young Americans for Liberty Conference and got to do just that. Our discussion sparked an exhilarating exchange of ideas and highlights the importance of open-mindedness, particularly for those unfamiliar with…

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