Vigilantes UNITE! Special Interview w/ Jeff Berwick and Rafael LaVerde [VIDEO]

In the world today, much of the future is uncertain.

However, one thing is certain… The Crypto Vigilante would not exist as it does today without the imagination and perseverance of one man, Jeff Berwick.

Very few individuals can weather the storm of public persecution that is required when standing in truth.

With well over 1,000 interviews and appearances at countless live events, Jeff has covered every range of topics from banking, finance, politics, spirituality, and investing to holistic practices that ultimately serve to unravel a deep sense of purpose and happiness for all who give their time to listen.

Not to mention, he has spearheaded the most successful anarchy conference the world has ever seen with the coming 10th annual Anarchapulco in Acapulco, MX.

Similar to the onset of the internet, Jeff has been intuitively guided to spot MASSIVE trends long before the masses eventually catch on.

The same phenomenon occurred when he discovered Bitcoin (BTC) and recommended it to his newsletter subscribers at under $10 on May 24th, 2011.

Jeff Berwick is one of the most feared enemies of mankind's greatest enemy, the State and Central Banks.

He is The Dollar Vigilante.

Today I am honored to bring you this rare and insightful interview to help ensure that YOU survive and prosper during and after the dollar collapse.

Watch the Full Video

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Jeff is largely the reason that so many members of our team risk their privacy and volunteer their time to keep our subscribers safe and informed throughout their crypto journey.

He is certainly the cause for my motivation to relinquish enough of my private life to become a public person in the world of blockchain tech.

Here in our free newsletter, we do our best to offer you the MOST valuable and cutting-edge information in the space.

If there was ever an interview that you watched, this is the one, and at an impeccable time.

Being early Bitcoiners and Anarcho-Capitalists, Jeff and I have learned the context for WHY Bitcoin is necessary and important for this technological age that we find ourselves in.

Without this context, it is no surprise that so many early adopters have lost, sold, or dismissed the viability of this bizarre new currency to this day.

This interview will offer you that context through lived experience.

Collectively, The Dollar Vigilante and The Crypto Vigilante newsletters provide a long-term solution to weather any storm in the markets and help you remain positioned on the right side of history.

If you are more interested in accelerating your crypto education and investment thesis, we are offering an exclusive opportunity limited to 50 Vigilantes for the initial launch.

Watch this interview now. Then, learn more here and get on the waitlist.

Peace, love, and anarchy.

Follow me on Twitter @VamosVigilante

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BerwickJeff

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Are you worried about the impact of recent bank failures and how they will affect your financial future? With the right information, you don't have to be… On March 24th, 2023 The World's Top Crypto Analysts, Economists, & Crisis Investors Held A Privately Live-streamed “Emergency Banking Collapse” Round Table Event… Click here to claim your virtual seat at the table!

The Crypto Vigilante (SUBSCRIBE) is the premier financial newsletter specializing in crypto-asset markets.  Follow TCV on BitChute, Facebook, Flote, Gab, Instagram, MeWe, Minds, Odysee, Rumble, Substack, TikTok, Twetch, Twitter,, and YouTube.

Rafael LaVerde

Rafael LaVerde has a background in private equity and venture capital. He discovered Bitcoin in 2012 while volunteering on Ron Paul's presidential campaign. He served as board member of a Libertarian Super PAC while doing post-graduate work in economics, and was also a member of the University of Texas’ Mises Circle. His formal education includes graduate degrees in continental philosophy and psychology. He has been a Bitcoin miner since 2014. Rafael also managed investor relations for the BitAngels Network, which helped finance the vast majority of early Bitcoin startups, and was also part of the DApps Fund team that revolutionized funding structures that eventually became known as ICOs and STOs. He was also the founding partner of what became one of the very first Bitcoin venture capital funds.