Unveiling The Truth About AI: An Eye-Opening Interview, With L-Dixon [VIDEO]

Do you have mixed feelings about artificial intelligence?

With ChatGPT setting the record for the fastest-growing app in the history of web applications, this technology has been the leading topic of 2023 for good reason.

Most of humanity had not foreseen how much the internet would revolutionize the world. Many had resisted it and lagged in adoption until they simply had little choice but to embrace it. The same is happening with blockchain and now AI.

Subscribers of The Crypto Vigilante know very well the importance of getting ahead of new technology in the early stages. This is where the biggest opportunity exists.

That is why I am excited to bring you my latest interview with the mega-talented Leandrew Dixon (L-Dixon).

From music, film, coding, and more, Leandrew has been an instrumental backbone to The Dollar Vigilante, The Crypto Vigilante, and Anarchapulco for nearly a decade. It was no surprise to us that he was already deep in his knowledge of AI and building with it!

If you have been curious about AI and waiting to learn about it, or simply want to elevate your understanding, then this interview is for you!

Watch the Full Interview

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This was far from a boring, technical discussion.

It revealed to me that our individual philosophical approach to AI is absolutely critical. The sooner you solidify your approach, the sooner you can start feeding yourself the information to support your journey.

We discussed the very real concerns surrounding AI as a tool that can be used for good or evil.

Leandrew shared, “I am terrified that it becomes something that people love more than anything.” This is one of many potential consequences of exploiting this technology.

However, we both agreed to remain encouraged and not overlook the boundless benefits of leveraging AI in your life or business.

As it relates to blockchain, we are already seeing both worlds merge together. One artist has already used ChatGPT to launch a memecoin that had reached a $100 million+ market cap. In just a single day, the coins concept, tokenomics, white paper, and 75 percent of the smart contract were completed on Ethereum (ETH).

Amid the outpouring of AI-generated content on the internet, it will become more challenging to discern the authenticity and ownership of this content. So, what is the solution?

Fortunately, Bitcoin (BTC/BSV) alone can be used to distribute and verify all forms of content on the internet. The transparency and immutability of the ledger allow for this content to be viewable to anyone and verifiable for the rest of time.

I cautioned, “The future model that everyone should live by is, if it's not onchain, if it's not open source, and if it's not interoperable, I am not touching it.”

These principles will enable Bitcoin to thrive as the value-driven supercomputer that it is and complement AI. For a deep dive into how this works, I highly recommend reviewing my free workshop on the subject.

Lastly, if you are interested in deepening your study and application of AI, then I encourage you to follow Leandrew and inquire about his services.

Peace, love, and anarchy.

Follow me on Twitter @VamosVigilante

Follow Leandrew on Twitter @LdashDixon

Don’t miss my new workshop on the two most important issues of our time, The Answer to A.I. and the Solution to the Crypto Onboarding Problem.  I believe that we need to get this information out so strongly that we’re giving it to you for freeClick here for the answer.

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