Time is Running Out!!! Hyperbitcoinization is Here!!! [VIDEO]

Have you seen my recent walk and talk?

In case you missed it, I had covered the mindset and traits that will help you to thrive in the new world of Hyperbitcoinization. What does that mean?

When enough of the world succeeds in utilizing the computational power of Bitcoin, the adoption and value could skyrocket seemingly overnight.

My experience reveals to me that this is already starting to happen now!

That is why I invited market maker and Bitcoin entrepreneur Jack Liu for an update after our first interview.

Jack has a rare talent for this industry and is able to move FAST while maintaining a long-term outlook. Best of all, his values are aligned with freedom.

I will admit this discussion is advanced and might lose some folks initially. If you haven’t seen my previous walk and talk, that is a good place to start.

Otherwise, if you are ready to hear what Jack has to share, watch this interview now! It is worth its weight in digital gold.

Watch the Full Interview

Watch on: Odysee | Rumble | YouTube | BitChute | Facebook | Twitter | Vigilante.tv

Jack and I discussed the explosion of NFTs minted on the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain since the inception of Ordinals on January 21st, 2023, and now Bitmap.

There remains some amount of skepticism around the use of BTC for NFTs. Some Bitcoiners prefer to use BTC solely for transactions and NOT for storing data, let alone images.

This is why Jack and I have been proponents of using Bitcoin SV (BSV) for on-chain applications because the block size is essentially unlimited (up to 2 GB).

Meanwhile, the Bitcoin Core developers generally insist on limiting BTC up to a 4 MB block size and employing Lightning Network as a Layer 2 band-aid solution for scaling the chain.

However, as I shared in my previous walk and talk, I am choosing to focus my attention where the majority of market participants are going, aka, the swarm.

As this asset class continues to forge its way out of the former bear market, Bitcoin (BTC) continues to emerge as the winner that takes all.

The only question that remains is, “Will you be prepared?” Time is running out… Watch now!

Peace, love, and anarchy.

Follow me on Twitter @VamosVigilante

Follow Jack Liu on Twitter @liujackc

Don’t miss my new workshop on the two most important issues of our time, The Answer to A.I. and the Solution to the Crypto Onboarding Problem.  I believe that we need to get this information out so strongly that we’re giving it to you for freeClick here for the answer.

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Intro music video: Not This Time (The Bitcoin Obituaries Song)

Rafael LaVerde

Rafael LaVerde has a background in private equity and venture capital. He discovered Bitcoin in 2012 while volunteering on Ron Paul's presidential campaign. He served as board member of a Libertarian Super PAC while doing post-graduate work in economics, and was also a member of the University of Texas’ Mises Circle. His formal education includes graduate degrees in continental philosophy and psychology. He has been a Bitcoin miner since 2014. Rafael also managed investor relations for the BitAngels Network, which helped finance the vast majority of early Bitcoin startups, and was also part of the DApps Fund team that revolutionized funding structures that eventually became known as ICOs and STOs. He was also the founding partner of what became one of the very first Bitcoin venture capital funds.