Merging Bitcoin and AI: How P2P Hardware is Powering Decentralized Computation [VIDEO]

Bitcoin and crypto meet AI!!! But how???

Well it turns out that these worlds meet in the area of hardware: p2p hardware to be exact!

The buzzword tossed around is “computational data markets” (CDMs).  This is the world of where hardware meets software demands in a p2p environment.  

Do we want information markets centralized??? Of course not.  We have seen a market demand for fintech to be decentralized in the form of crypto and Bitcoin.  We are now seeing the same demand happening in the world of AI.  

Do centralized Nvidia computer farms satisfy the market’s desire for decentralized computations? Of course not!  So what is the solution? 

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The solution is found in understanding that blockchain data marries ai in the form of information alignment, by aligning incentives in the market.  AI and blockchain are inseparable and we are coming to the realization that both worlds can only flourish by merging with one another.  

So where will this merging happen?  How will this merging unfold in a way that carries on with the decentralize meritocratic ethos of Bitcoin and crypto?  

It turns out that the Bitcoin world has found its solution in the Mac mini.  The Mac mini is right now the best architecture for both processing both SHA256 (Bitcoin) and AI computations at the same time.  

Learn more about how this entire new frontier is unfolding through our conversation with Mark Wilcox of 21e8!!!

Peace, love, and anarchy,

Follow me on X @VamosVigilante

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The Crypto Vigilante (Follow on All Socials)

Rafael LaVerde

Rafael LaVerde has a background in private equity and venture capital. He discovered Bitcoin in 2012 while volunteering on Ron Paul's presidential campaign. He served as board member of a Libertarian Super PAC while doing post-graduate work in economics, and was also a member of the University of Texas’ Mises Circle. His formal education includes graduate degrees in continental philosophy and psychology. He has been a Bitcoin miner since 2014. Rafael also managed investor relations for the BitAngels Network, which helped finance the vast majority of early Bitcoin startups, and was also part of the DApps Fund team that revolutionized funding structures that eventually became known as ICOs and STOs. He was also the founding partner of what became one of the very first Bitcoin venture capital funds.