What up, Vigilantes? I recently had the opportunity to speak with Juan Castro Soto, a pioneer in the world of alternative currencies and an active member of the Tumin community. In an era when the vast majority of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, Tumin represents a ray of hope for a more decentralized, voluntary, and community-driven economic system.
What exactly is the Tumin? Tumin is a grassroots alternative currency that was created in 2010 to meet the needs of the people. It is an unofficial, citizen-based currency that does not require permission from any institution. Despite opposition from the Mexican government, Tumin has persisted and even gained legal recognition, allowing indigenous groups to design their own social and economic systems.
Tumin is used in six Mexican states, and its ease of use and accessibility make it an appealing alternative to the traditional financial system. People can participate for free in denominations ranging from 1 to 100, and it's simple to join or leave the project. Not to mention, since is a 1:1 relationship with the Peso, it eliminates the complexity and makes it easy for people to adopt.
The Tumin community is committed to not only creating an alternative economy but also to educating people about how the financial system works. This is in stark contrast to our crony-capitalist system, which intentionally keeps people in the dark about how the system works so that those in the know can exploit those that aren’t.
You’ve got to hear how Juan Castro Soto breaks it down…
Watch the Full Interview
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So, how does Tumin relate to the cryptocurrency world? Some pioneering crypto developers have created a free tool for using a digital version of the Tumin, allowing for seamless transactions and the possibility of international use. This has huge potential and it’s exciting to see a project like this emerging from the real-world, boots-on-the-ground counter-economics.
The Tumin's core goal is to reclaim the social function of money and to meet people's needs. It's a shining example of a currency that prioritizes dignity and privacy over everything else. As we look to the future and seek more equitable systems, the Tumin serves as a powerful reminder that change is possible when communities take things into their own hands and work together.
Tumin was not the only topic of discussion. Juan Castro Soto is a man who truly understands the big picture of the banksters' attempt to centralize control over the world and turn it into one big social credit score slave camp. I'm grateful to have free-thinking and practical allies like Juan Castro in the movement to obsolete the New World Order.
Join me as we investigate this intriguing alternative currency and consider the potential impact of grassroots initiatives such as the Tumin on the world of finance. Let us continue the discussion and work toward a more free and decentralized future!
Peace, love, and anarchy.

Follow me on Twitter @VamosVigilante
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