Equilibria (XEQ) Alert (October 7, 2022)


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Mr. Z

Mr. Z is a former Wall Street trader, investments analyst and consultant. Over his career in the corporate world, he awakened to just how broken many of our economic and social systems are. By the mid-2010s, when he had all but completely walked away from financial markets, he stumbled upon Bitcoin in the comments section of ZeroHedge. Here he saw a path which could help bring honesty and equity back to world systems – not to mention offer incredible opportunity for adopters. He was instantly hooked. By early 2017 he was providing fundamental blockchain analysis and advisory to numerous influential crypto investors and enthusiasts. Mr. Z’s passion for how blockchain can re-shape the world for the better is influenced by his extensive study in not only world history, economics and finance, but mythology, religion and spiritual traditions of both the East and West.