VIDEO: Why Pirate Chain (ARRR) is Superior to Zcash (ZEC)

True digital privacy in an age of near-total surveillance has value beyond numbers.

Avast me, hearties!  Pirate Chain (ARRR) has entered the scene.

Here at The Crypto Vigilante (SUBSCRIBE), Pirate Chain is everything we wanted ​Zcash (ZEC)​ to be.

Pirate Chain (ARRR) started as a challenge among Zcash ​and ​Komodo (KMD) ​developers to fork ZEC’s code into a private-by-default d​elayed Proof of Work (dPoW)​ blockchain with 51% attack resistance. 

Their endeavor worked so well that this “test project” became the real deal. 

Why is ARRR so important?

Pirate Chain claims to have the best of both worlds – mandatory privacy combined with cutting-edge zk-SNARKs, enforced for all transactions by default. 

The latest “Daily Dose Of Pirate Chain” is a special audible version of The Crypto Vigilante’s Featured Crypto Asset report (originally published by Mr. X and myself on August 18, 2020).

Many updates on Pirate Chain’s technology have been revised in this audio recording to reflect Pirate Chain in its current state (as of 3/28/2022).  Plus, top-shelf memes have been added for eye candy.   

The report below covers everything from where to buy ARRR and how to store it to the significant privacy flaws in Zcash, the differences between Pirate Chain and Monero (XMR), and more. 

Enjoy the full video here: 

Watch on: Odysee | Rumble | YouTube | BitChute | DollarVigilante.TV 

Batten down the hatches.  A good pirate is always prepared for a storm. 

So-called “elite” banksters try to enslave us by controlling our money, the politicians, media, and the internet. 

Reject their system and rebuild a new one with private currency. 

Savvy?  Follow me on Twitter @VamosVigilante.

Don’t be a scallywag!  Get our free Crypto Privacy Guide: 

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The Crypto Vigilante (SUBSCRIBE) is the premier financial newsletter specializing in crypto-asset markets.  Follow TCV on BitChute, Facebook, Flote, Gab, Instagram, Medium, MeWe, Minds, Odysee, Rumble, Streamanity, Substack, TikTok, Twetch, Twitter, and YouTube

Rafael LaVerde

Rafael LaVerde has a background in private equity and venture capital. He discovered Bitcoin in 2012 while volunteering on Ron Paul's presidential campaign. He served as board member of a Libertarian Super PAC while doing post-graduate work in economics, and was also a member of the University of Texas’ Mises Circle. His formal education includes graduate degrees in continental philosophy and psychology. He has been a Bitcoin miner since 2014. Rafael also managed investor relations for the BitAngels Network, which helped finance the vast majority of early Bitcoin startups, and was also part of the DApps Fund team that revolutionized funding structures that eventually became known as ICOs and STOs. He was also the founding partner of what became one of the very first Bitcoin venture capital funds.